Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Holy Terror..

So much to get into, So little time..


Courtney said...

Last night I picked up my house because my friend Kelly and her son Noah were coming over for a play date. By the time they got here at 10a, my 2 ottomans that make my coffee table were on either side of the room, a trail of cheerios led from the kitchen to the TV in the living room along with a trail of apple juice from his bottle, a ring of bananas surrounded his high chair where he cleared his tray after filling up on two bites, all the pots and pans were pulled out of the drawers, the mail I had sat on the dining room table was scattered on the floor all the way into the foyer, the dog's bowls were completely missing later to be found under a living room chair, the back door rug was wadded up in a corner, all of the dogs toys had been dumped out of the basket into a pile on the floor, and Clinton was standing on my computer watching his Baby Einstein DVD as if everything were in order.

...I feel your pain. May God grant us patience, strength, and margaritas.

Emily said...

Those pictures are too funny. I am sure that it drives you a little crazy, but she is one cute little mess maker.